Every journey you embark on is unique – a voyage in itself. Every journey gives you a purpose; to explore the world around you, to experience new cultures, to meet new people and to create an inspiring story. With ‘Land Rover Journeys’, we endeavour to bring such stories closer to you; from the towering peaks of the Himalayas, the ephemeral dunes of the Thar, or the vast jungles of Karnataka. As an esteemed owner of a Land Rover, you can now participate with your Land Rover in a ‘Journey’ of your choice.

Cougar Motorsport & Land Rover Journeys

Land Rover Journeys have been exclusively curated by Cougar Motorsport for owners of Land Rover vehicles in India. A dedicated team of trained Land Rover Instructors from our organisation manage the drive and logistics. We have been conducting Land Rover Experience events and Expeditions across India since 2013.

Completed Journeys

Discover picturesque regions, mystical mountains and rare cultures. 20th to 29th June, 2019.

Get a glimpse of heaven on earth – the Northeast of India. 26th January to 1st February, 2019 & 15th to 20th February 2020.

An enchanting journey set in the heart of the jungles of India. 23rd to 27th April, 2019.

An expansive drive through breathtaking deserts. 15th to 18th Dec, 2019
Future Journeys

Drive along the coastline and into captivating, lush landscapes.

Drive right from the Garden City to the backwaters of God’s Own Country.